Sunday, August 8, 2021

2021 National Free Signer - Jeff Burroughs

Jeff Burroughs was another free signer at the National, and another that I had already gotten TTM in the past.  I didn't have many cards left of him, so, I bought the 1975 Topps below at a Raleigh show a few months ago, and the above 1982 Topps Traded at the National itself.  I didn't have any signed 82 Traded cards in my collection, as I had never found any bulk anywhere.
The 1981 Topps and 1981 Topps Traded were the last Burroughs cards that I was able to find in my boxes, and I was glad that I found enough VIP vouchers at the show to be able to finish them off.  I was one short, and would have had to leave out the 81 Traded, but found a voucher at the last minute when I was in line.

Burroughs was really nice, as were all of the other signers.  It turned out that most of them had already signed TTM for me in the past, but some, more than others, had a bunch of cards remaining in my boxes.

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