Black (b. 1988) played in the majors from 2013 to 2014 for the Pirates and Mets. He had a record of 5-3 with 47 strike outs and a 2.96 ERA.
I mailed to Black on February 8, 2024, and got the card back on December 28, 2024, for a 324-day TAT.
Black (b. 1988) played in the majors from 2013 to 2014 for the Pirates and Mets. He had a record of 5-3 with 47 strike outs and a 2.96 ERA.
I mailed to Black on February 8, 2024, and got the card back on December 28, 2024, for a 324-day TAT.
He played at Low A Clearwater last season and had 29 hits, 2 home runs and a .315 batting average.
I mailed to DeMartini on December 17 and got the cards back on December 27 for a 10-day TAT.
I mailed to Gross on November 21 and got the cards back on December 26 for a 35-day TAT.
I mailed to Eagen on December 16 and got the cards back on December 26 for a 10-day TAT. He also included a note, which was a nice touch.
Sisco (b. 1995) played in the majors from 2017 to 2021 for the Orioles and Mets. He had 102 hits, 16 home runs and a .197 batting average. Sisco signed with the Cardinals this off-season.
I mailed to the signing on November 14 and got the cards back on December 26 for a 42-day TAT. I paid a fee of $5/card.
I mailed to Cissell on December 16 and got the cards back on December 24 for an 8-day TAT.
Miller (b. 1953) played in the majors in 1977 and 1978 for the Orioles and Expos. He had a record of 0-1 with 6 strike outs and a 12.91 ERA.
I mailed to Miller on December 4 and got the card back on December 24 for a 20-day TAT.