So, tonight is one of the two big nights in wrestling for me. The Royal Rumble (the second night being Wrestlemania in March)... Traditionally, my friend Vinny would come over, I would make wings, have SEVERAL adult beverages and have a good ole time. We had packed as many as 15-20 people in my house for one of these Pay Per View parties. Nowadays, with us having moved, the turnout will be very limited, i.e. just my wife, son and I... Vinny couldn't get off work, and the others I had invited all cannnot come due to the wintry weather (I love the Rumble, but its not worth dying for)...

That being said, here are some fearless predictions for the Rumble match tonight...
Who I WANT to win: I'm torn between Triple H and Chris Jericho. Jericho virtually has no chance, since he really isn't in the title picture right now. I also doubt Triple H will win because it is looking like he may be headed toward a showdown with HBK Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania...
Who I think will win (my official pick): John Cena :( I really dislike him. I'm sick of WWE forcing him down my throat since all the kids and girls like the guy. I think he sucks. They need to quit jerking him off in public and hit him with a ladder or something, put him out of my misery. BUT, I do think he will win the match tonight. Sigh.
Who will win if WWE is throwing a curve... Ahhh, if only WWE writers would stop running a leprechaun out there every week and actually write some compelling storylines, this may happen: Randy Orton would defeat the human glowstick Seamus for the championship, and then Ted DiBiase, Jr. would win the Rumble, thus setting up a matchup between Orton and DiBiase for Wrestlemania... that would be worth the $50 I'm going to have to drop to buy the PPV.
Also, a returning Edge would make things interesting, however, this is unlikely, because I don't think he would be fully recovered from his injury in time for Wrestlemania, let alone the Rumble.
Fearless predictions on surprise entrants: One thing I love about the Rumble is that WWE will throw a bone to a couple wrestlers from the past and have them entered. Be it Roddy Piper, Superfly Snuka, Dory Funk, I always like seeing who they have each year. This year, I believe Booker T will be a surprise entrant, as well as possibly RVD. Jeff Hardy would be a nice surprise as well, but he may be under contract with TNA, or he may still be in jail, who knows....
Who other people are picking: My wife has gone on record and picked The Miz, while Christopher says Jericho.
Strong Showing? Each year, a wrestler or two lasts for a while in the Rumble and eliminates a good many people, only to come up JUST short of winning it all. In the past, wrestlers like Kane, Rikishi, The Rock, etc have put on a good showing, only to be eliminated... this year, I think we will see Ted DiBiase, Jr. and possible David Hart Smith look good while in the Rumble.
Final 4: Its always interesting to see who the final 4 wrestlers left in the Rumble are. Usually, they end up being the 4 biggest stars at the time, or 3 stars and one up-and-coming wrestler who will end up being a star (I like my wife's pick that The Miz would be in the final 4 this year)... Last year, the final 4 was Triple H, Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, Jr. and Cody Rhodes (DiBiase and Rhodes are Orton's lackeys). With Orton coming out on top. This year, I think the final 4 will be: Triple H, John Cena, Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels.
Anyone else care to make a prediction? Anyone else ordering the PPV? Let me know!