Sunday, September 12, 2021

Another TTM Success From Brooks Robinson

A few Brooks Robinson cards have popped up in my box, seemingly coaxing me to send to him TTM again, so I pulled two of them and did just that - I sent TTM to the greatest third baseman of all-time.  The above 2016 Topps Tribute green parallel turned out so great; I was afraid I would dull it a bit when I prepped it.  The card looks awesome, and my fears were for naught.
I also sent this sad-looking 1962 Topps that I had in my collection so that it would end up in my album, as opposed to buried in the box.  This card was well-loved by someone in the past, and now it can take its rightful place among my signed cards in my album.

I mailed to Brooks on March 27 and got the cards back on April 6, for a 10-day TAT.  I paid a fee of $10.00/card.

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