Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ebay Steal - 1950 Bowman Bob Feller

I have realized lately that I really like Bob Feller. I think I have said this before, but man, I think he is still amazing after all these years.

That being said, I think I'm going to try to get all of his Bowman cards. Shouldn't be too hard a task, right? Well, maybe for me, at least for now. I just bought a new car and have to take on a payment again after not having a car payment for the last 3 years. I'm sure I can do it just fine, but it is definitely going to take a little getting used to. Anyway, back to the topic at hand...
Here is the 1950 Bob Feller I picked up this week for under $20 shipped on Ebay. You cans ee the corners are rough, but the picture is great. I love how this one scanned. Still so vibrant after 60 years! Crazy, right?
The back of the card looks good too. I always enjoy reading about any of Mr. Feller's accomplishments (of which there are many). I hear a soundbyte they play on XM a lot from Feller talking about how he threw 107.9 mph in 1941 and then someone mentioning to him, 'Hey, did you see that guy? He threw 102.' Fellers response? 'So what, that's my change-up.'


deal said...

nice pick up - I have been out trying to "win" a cheap Feller card from his playing days for a while now. things haven't gone my way yet. I always thought the one I would get would be the 52 Topps, but I do like that 50 Bowman.

Drew said...

Sick Feller, gotta love the vintage!