Sunday, December 3, 2023

TTM Success - Bill Bradley

This TTM success from former Philadelphia Eagle, Bill Bradley, was a great one.  Bradley added some extra stuff and loaded the cards I sent with all kinds of inscriptions.  He included the above post card, also super inscribed.
He wrote me a nice letter on two index cards.  These were a reaply nice touch.  I like when folks write something back.  I always include hand-written notes with my TTM requests.
I sent two football cards, and Bradley sent an extra.  He filled each card up with ink.
He also included this little piece of note card, also signed.

Bradley (b. 1947) played professionally from 1969 to 1977 for the Eagles and Cardinals.  He led the league in interceptions two seasons in a row in 1971 and 1972.  He seems like an amazing guy. 

I mailed to Bradley on November 13 and got the cards back signed on November 27, for a 14-day TAT.  I got the idea to send to Bradley from my friend, Jesse, who showed me the awesome return he got.  I found some of Bradley's cards at a recent show and sent them along.  Thanks for the inspiration, Jesse!

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