Thursday, January 17, 2019

Another TTM Success From Dusty Baker

I guess he was catching up on his mail, but I finally got these cards back from Dusty Baker long after I sent them to the Nationals ballpark, and after I had sent a second request to a different address.  I had seen that after he was dismissed from the Nationals, Baker was signing elsewhere, but these came in early this month.  I was glad to get them back and add them to the album.
At the time that I sent them, I had very few 1973 Topps.  Since then, I got some bulk cards and have boosted my numbers from that set.  I still have very few 1974s, so I may be seeking some bulk of those next.

I mailed to Baker via the Nationals ballpark on April 3, 2017, and got the cards back on January 4, 2019, for a 641-day TAT.  This was my first success for 2019.

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