Thursday, November 30, 2023

TTM Success - Jose Cardenal

Jose Cardenal is another guy who's cards I had sitting in my to-be-TTMed box for a long time.  I finally sent off to him and got these cards signed.  The above 1973 Topps is a clean card that turned out great.
I sent off the above 1967 Topps (left) and 1972 Topps (center).  The above (right) reprint is of the 1972 design was sent by Cardenal, himself.  It is a nice reprint.  I'm not sure what set it came out of; maybe Topps Archives or something. 

Cardenal (b. 1943) played in the majors from 1963 to 1980 for the Giants, Angels, Indians, Cardinals, Brewers, Cubs, Phillies, Mets and Royals.  He had 1,913 hits, 138 home runs and a .275 batting average.  He finished 23rd in the 1973 NL MVP voting.  He appeared on the 1986 Hall of.Fame ballot but received only 0.2% of the vote.

I mailed to Cardenal on November 15 and got the cards back on November 25, for a 10-day TAT. I paid his fee of $10/card.

1 comment:

Wrigley Wax said...

The 1972 Card of him with the Cubs is from an 82 card set the Cubs gave away over four dates in 2013.