Thursday, March 13, 2025

TTM Success - Doug Gwosdz

Here are a couple 80s cards that came back signed TTM from Doug Gwosdz.  I got a 1984 Topps (above) and a 1982 Topps (below) signed.
I had hoped I could finish this 1982 Topps San Diego Padres Future Stars card, but Mike Armstrong hasn't signed in a while and Fred Kuhaulua has passed away.

Gwosdz (b. 1960) played in the majors from 1981 to 1984 for the Padres.  He had 15 hits, 1 home run and a .144 batting average. 

I mailed to Gwosdz on January 2 and got the cards back on January 11 for a 9-day TAT. 

1 comment:

Teddy Ballgame said...

His nickname was “eye chart” for obvious reasons