Monday, March 17, 2025

Another TTM Success From Mark Prior

Over the last week or so, TTMs have been scant to some in.  Checking the mail every day has been a drag, since the mailbox is virtually empty when I open it.  One reason why may be because over the last month or so, most of the TTMs I have sent out have been to Spring Training.  Spring Training TTMs are a chore every season and I keep saying I'll cut back next season.  This year (like the last several), I sent out 50 Spring Training TTMs.  So far, only 3 have come back.  The players and coaches sometimes hold the cards (if they do sign at all) and send in the off-season.  One success came back in January from 2024 Spring Training.  So I have a little tiny sliver of optimism that maybe I'll see some of this year's attempts come in.

This TTM success from 2024 Spring Training came in from Mark Prior.
Prior is the pitching coach for the Dodgers.  I had gotten him TTM back in 2020, again from Dodgers Spring Training. 

I mailed to Prior on February 10, 2024, and got the cards back on January 14 for a 339-day TAT.

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