Tuesday, August 1, 2023

TTM Success - Pat Bourque

Here are some more mid-70s cards that I added to the autograph album.  This TTM success from Pat Bourque afforded me a signed 1975 Topps mini (above), which turned out nicely.
I also got a 1974 Topps (above, left) and a 1975 Topps (above, right).  These also turned out well.  His signature blends will with the faux autograph on the 1975 Topps; his auto hasn't changed much in the past 50 years.
There won't be any completing the above 1973 Topps rookie first basemen card; Gonzalo Marquez has since passed away.  I could add Cabell, though.  I think I still need him on a 1991 Crown Orioles card.

Bourque (b. 1947) played in the majors from 1971 to 1974 for the Cubs, A's and Twins.  He had 87 hits, 12 home runs and a .215 batting average.  Bourque won the World Series in 1973 with the A's.

I mailed to Bourque on January 25 and got the cards back on March 17, for a 51-day TAT.

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