Sunday, April 30, 2023

TTM Success - Steve Wojciechowski

Here are a couple 90s cards that I got signed TTM from Steve Wojciechowski.  I sent these off as a change of pace to all of the 1960s and 1970s cards I had sent out in a big wave.  The above 1996 Fleer Ultra is a very sharp card, and it turned out well.
The above 1992 Stadium Club also turned out nicely.

Wojciechowski (b. 1970) is not to be confused with the former Duke basketball player of the same name.  This Wojciechowski played in the majors from 1995 to 1997 for the A's.  He had a record of 7-10 with 48 strike outs and a 5.65 ERA.

I mailed to Wojciechowski on January 23 and got the cards back on February 6, for a 14-day TAT.

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