Friday, April 24, 2020

Another TTM Success From Carney Lansford Completes a Card

I had gotten Carney Lansford via a private signing a bit ago, and completely forgot he was on the 1987 Topps A's Leaders card.  I was really upset that I missed out, but I was fortunate enough to see that he was signing again.  This time around, though, the card was out for signature, and almost didn't get back in time.  I had sent it to someone who was getting me Dave Von Ohlen, but the card did get back in time, and I was able to finish off the card with Lansford's signature.

I mailed to the private signing on February 5 and got the card back on March 2, for a 26-day TAT.  I paid a fee of $10.00.


Fuji said...

Very very cool. Congratulations on the TTM return.

Jeff S said...

Who does Lansford sign through, if you don't mind my asking? I don't think I saw it on SCN. I'm going to need him for a set I'm working too.

And that is an impressive completed card.