Monday, January 18, 2010

Back to the Greenville Card Shop, With Max

Yaaay, so Max came over yesterday for a good bit of time. Anytime you can spend time with your best friend is always good. I decided to take him to the Greenville card shop for his first visit there.

He picked up some Dodger cards and a couple packs of Unique which I'm hoping will have him update his blog soon (along with his Christmas and birthday stuff). No, I'm not baiting him at all hahahaha.

Oh yeah, I have a blog to do. Oops, almost forgot. Yeah, so having already gone to the shop for shipping supplies the other day, I really didn't want to spend a lot, but I ended up getting some more 35 count snap cases as well as 2 more packs of Topps Unique.

While Max went through the single card bin, he found the below Tim Lincecum card. He and I both thought this was a good shot of Lincecum in a batting helmet. Sometimes I'm not too thrilled with the 'player out of their element' cards (cards of sluggers bunting, pitchers swinging and missing, Ramon Hernandez blocking the plate.....) but I really liked this one!
I bet all you Yankee fans will love this pull from one of my packs of Unique. I would have rather had a cool relic, instead of a Yankee card; however, with all the trades I have had going on, I think this one will land me some sweet Os cards, or maybe something else... Autographed ball anyone??? No? Crap.


Mr. Scott said...

Nice Yanks Card maybe we can work something out.

NMCLax24 said...

Woah buddy!!! Great pull! I thought Topps Unique only landed people with crap!

Flash said...

Wow, that is an awesome Yankee card. Wish I had something trade worthy.

Drew said...

If you don't end up trading it I'd love it!