You see, I had 9 TTM requests pending, a couple of which were Hall of Famers, while others were just historical players of note...
Needless to say, I was happy to see that inside my mailer was my 44th Hall of Famer, Mr. Billy Williams!
I'm really glad to get this one, I was beginning to worry. I sent a check for $20.00 and the ball to him on June 24 and got it back today (August 19). I checked my online banking last night and the check hadn't been cashed, so I wasn't expecting this ball today...
I need to check and see, but I think I have three other Hall of Famers who I'm waiting on. I may try to get a few more (of the 8 pending baseballs) in before I send off more requests. We'll see.
Awesome success man! I could've met Williams a while back had he not called in sick. Hopefully he comes back here sometime soon for another show.
Very nice! Sharpie though? It's a HOFer, so it still rocks!
That is a ballpoint ink pen which has been enhanced by my awesome camera.
OOOHHH! My bad. Looks like blue sharpie.
I bought a new camera a month ago that has some awesome features. I take pictures of the baseballs in 'macro' mode, with no flash and the camera set to "Super Vivid". Makes the seams and the sigs really pop...
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