Tuesday, March 11, 2025

TTM Success - Brandon Backe

Some fairly recent cards (more recent than some TTM subjects) came back signed TTM from Brandon Backe.  I'm seeing more and more returns from guys that played in the mid-to-late 2000s, so I have been searching boxes over the last few weeks for more cards like these.
I got a 2006 Topps (top), 2008 Upper Deck (above left) and 2009 Topps (above right) back signed from Backe.

Backe (b. 1978) played in the majors from 2002 to 2009 for the Devil Rays and Astros.  He had a record of 31-29 with 360 strike outs and a 5.23 ERA.

I mailed Backe on October 24 and got the cards back on January 11 for a 79-day TAT.

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