Tuesday, September 3, 2024

TTM Success - John Morris

Finally, a bunch of TTM successes came in over the last couple of months.  I have a decent stack of stuff to post, which will carry me well into the off-season.  Then, I will be sending out more requests daily.
This TTM success from John Morris helped me add a 1991 Crown Orioles card to the album, along with a 1975 Topps and a 1975 Topps Mini. 

Morris (b. 1941) played in the majors in 1966 and from 1968 to 1974 for the Phillies, Orioles, Pirates, Brewers and Giants.  He had a record of 11-7 with 137 strike outs and a 3.95 ERA.

I mailed to Morris on July 15 and got the cards back on August 5, for a 21-day TAT. 

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