Monday, September 2, 2024

August 20-25, 2024 Shorebirds at Wood Ducks

A better series for the Wood Ducks came along when Delmarva was in town.  The weather was beautiful, and my good friend, Ryan, came down to enjoy the Saturday and Sunday games.
Ryan hooked me up with some nice 2024 Stars and Stripes cards.  They came in handy, as there were several guys with the Shorebirds who had them.  Also, during the series, the Orioles sent their first round draft pick, Vance Honeycutt, up to Delmarva.

I got Honeycutt on his debut ticket, a ball and a photo.  I had already put all of them up before I started the scans for this post.  Oops.  I also saw this weekend that Honeycutt has already been moved up to Aberdeen.
The Wood Ducks also have some 2024 Draft picks on their team, now.  Anthony Susac and Casey Cook both have Perfect Game cards.  We were also surprised that Brock Porter was back with the Wood Ducks. 

In all, I got the following autographs: Casey Cook x 8, Pablo Guerrero x 9, Maikol Hernandez x 33, Braylin Tavera x 3, Anthony Susac x 1, Vance Honeycutt x 4, Brock Porter x 1, Jon Clemmons x 1, Griff O'Ferrall x 6, Austin Overn x 1, Ryan Stafford x 2 and Ethan Anderson x 1 (70).

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