Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mail Day: Jafar May Need Glasses

So, I have been trying to catch up lately. I owe a few people some mail, starting with Steve, whom I own a good many 1991 Fleer. As some of you may know, we had a death in the family this past week, so I spent Friday until Monday at my mom's house. I continued to blog, but was obviously without my scanner.

I also went to the card shop as scheduled on Saturday. I appreciate the well-wishes from the ones I have talked to. We lost my mom's step-dad (who was pretty much my grandpa from that side) to renal cancer. He'd be so mad at me for drawing attention to him, so I will conclude that.

Pete brought me this awesome Adam Jones on Saturday. I don't think I had any Jones relics yet, but I think I have lost track of what I have and don't have because of the move...
I received this Brian Roberts Goudey jersey, among other Os cards last week from my good buddy Drew. Check his site out here, its a good read all around, and it is a blog award winner!
I received a package today from Chris, whose blog is here, which had this Bedard Heritage among other O's. Give Chris a read too, he has a great blog as well.

I owe some people some stuff, so I hope to get packages mailed out soon. I haven't forgotten you, please be patient with me!!


  1. Sorry again with the family, but wow, that is a nice Roberts card, is it for trade? haha, glad you like it

  2. All three of those are great.

    Hope you are doin' okay.
