Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mail Day and The Temple of Doom

I'm not sure if you can make out the signature on the above baseball, but it is most definitely that of the one and only Stan 'The Man' Musial. F Yeah. This was to have come yesterday, but UPS delivers when most people are at work, so I have to pick it up while running some errands for work today.

I'm still amazed I was able to get this ball so cheap. I got it off of Musial's official webpage. I'm really excited to show it off to Max, Pete, P.A. and anyone else interested, haha. What do you guys think?


  1. Sweet pick up. Is that a official major league baseball?

  2. Side Note - you need to cross off Stan the Man from your list.

  3. Oh yeah, thanks man. Yes it is a Official MLB ball.

  4. Stan IS the man!

    I had lunch at a table next to him here in StL several years ago. It was all I could do to get the guys I was having lunch with to not do anything stupid, and just leave him to his meal.
