Tuesday, February 25, 2025

First Graphing of the Year - AML Rise to the Top

Say his name and he appears.  I believe in Joe Hendry.  I first discovered Joe Hendry in November at Wrestlecade.  I had wished that I knew then what I know now; I would have paid to meet Hendry then.  Luckily, Hendry was scheduled to appear at AL'S Rise to the Top in Winston-Salem this past Saturday.   My buddy, Jesse, told me about the event, but a last minute change kept Jesse from going.  Chris and I went to the show and had a blast.
Hendry did a VIP signing prior to the show, but it was sold out.  He stuck around after the show and signed autographs for the people who weren't able to get in on the VIP deal.  That was so great that he and the promoters made sure everyone got their autographs.  The price was reasonable also.
It was so cool to watch Hendry in person again.
He defended the TNA title at the show, as well.

The other matches were fun.  The whole show was solid, and the other wrestlers were worth seeing.  I will definitely go to AML's next show in Lexington, NC.  I have really enjoyed going to these lower tier wrestling promotions. 

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