Monday, September 5, 2022

TTM Success - George Brett

A recent bonus I got from work went away pretty quickly when I signed up for this private signing with George Brett.  I needed Brett on two cards for my 1987 set, and he hasn't signed a whole lot the last few years.  I wanted to go ahead and knock the cards out and get them into my album.
Both of the cards turned out great, and I am happy they both are finally done.  I have knocked out some of the tougher team leaders cards lately, which has been very helpful in pushing me toward my goal of completing the set.

I am about 60 or so cards from finishing the set, so I have a decent shot at getting close.  If some of the tougher guys agree to doing signings, then I have as good a shot as any.  Also have to keep an eye on those saved Ebay searches.

I mailed to this signing on April 1 and got the cards back on June 25, for a 71-day TAT.

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