Wednesday, September 14, 2022

TTM Success - Brandon Webb

For some reason, I really wanted to get Brandon Webb into my autograph album.  When I saw him pop up in a private signing, I searched for his cards, and came up with these two.  I'm not even sure these were the ones that initially had me wanting to get him, but I feel like I did pretty well in choosing the two cards to send along.

Initially, the above 2007 Topps Trading Card History card wasn't going to be sent to the signing.  The more I kept looking at it, the more I wanted to get it signed and into my album.  I just really enjoy cards with bold colors like this as I flip through the pages.  I think it will fit well in there.
The above 2006 Ovation is another type of card that I really wanted in my album.  I had opened a ton of these back in 06, but very few of them have survived later dime boxes at the card shows.  I was glad this one did, as it turned out nicely.

Webb (b. 1979) played in the majors from 2003 to 2009 for the Diamondbacks.  He had a career record of 87-62 with 1,065 strike outs and a 3.27 ERA.  He won 22 games in 2008; leading the league for the second time in his career (he led the NL in 2006 with 16 wins).  He won the NL Cy Young Award in 2006; he would finish second in 2007 and 2008.  He was an All Star three times (2006, 2007 and 2008).  Webb was on his way to a Hall of Fame career, but injuries cut his career short after only appearing in one game in 2009.

I mailed to the signing on June 27 and got the cards back on September 6, for a 71-day TAT.

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