Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Another TTM Success From Tony LaRussa

As I was going through the boxes I got from my former LCS, I also was trying to condense down my Topps boxes.  I figured I would send off a TTM or two to some guys I had already gotten.  When I found this 1972 Topps, I knew I wanted to send another TTM request to Tony LaRussa.  This also passed as a Spring Training TTM request, so I had that going for me, as well.
This 2020 Topps Allen & Ginter turned out really well.  I got a bunch of cards from this set in the card shop boxes and was glad to get one of them signed and into my album.

I mailed to LaRussa on February 16 via White Sox Spring Training and got the cards back on March 22, for a 34-day TAT.

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