Monday, April 8, 2019

TTM Success - David Murphy

For some reason, recently retired players seem to be a bit tougher to get TTM, so when I saw that David Murphy was signing, I was glad to get these cards out to him.  The above 2012 Topps Gold Foil card looks amazing now that it is signed.
These two also look really nice; I don't believe I have gotten any of these Gypsy Queen done yet.  I like the ad/scoreboard in the background.

Murphy (b. 1981) played in the majors from 2006 to 2015 for the Red Sox, Rangers, Indians and Angels.  He had 950 hits, 104 home runs and a .274 batting average.

I mailed to Murphy on January 14 and got the cards back on March 11, for a 56-day TAT.

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