Wednesday, November 21, 2018

TTM Success - Bartolo Colon

I was really excited to get this TTM back from Big Sexy, himself, Bartolo Colon.  I think is has been great for baseball to see how well Colon has done the last few seasons at his age.  He says he wants to continue pitching, and I hope someone signs him.  I believe I pulled this blue refractor out of a pack.  It's either that, or I got it out of a dine box at the National.

Colon (b. 1973) has played in the majors from 1997 to 2009 and 2011 to 2018 for the Indians, Expos, White Sox, Angels, Red Sox, Yankees, A's, Mets, Braves, Twins and Rangers.  He has a career record of 247-188 with 2,535 strike outs and a 4.12 ERA.  He was the 2005 AL Cy Young Award winner and was a four-time All Star and finished a career-best 23rd in the AL MVP voting (2005).  He won 20 or more games twice in his career (2002 and 2005).

I mailed to Colon via the Rangers on August 20 and got the card back on September 29, for a 40-day TAT.

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