Monday, July 2, 2018

TTM Success - Buddy Schultz

Again, I am behind on posts, so I wanted to try to get a few out over the next few days.  I have so many signed cards sitting on my desk, it had become a tad overwhelming.  An embarrassment of riches, I suppose.

I received a TTM success from Buddy Schultz recently that took up a few late 70s/early 80s cards.
Schultz signed the cards in a thin ballpoint pen, but the signature is still nice, and easy to see.

Schultz (b. 1950) played in the majors from 1975 to 1979 for the Cubs and Cardinals.  He had a 15-9 record with 193 strike outs and a 3.68 ERA.

I mailed to Schultz on March 30 and got the cards back on April 7, for an 8-day TAT.

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