Saturday, December 31, 2016

Recent Chris Davis PC Pickups

I use the term recent in the title loosely.  I got these Topps Mini Chris Davis cards a couple months ago, then buried them underneath some TTMs and Christmas gifts.  I had my Davis PC box out the other day and realized that these minis needed to get in there, and also get logged on my spreadsheet.

I actually have one other 2015 Topps Mini, numbered 4/5.  There was a third on Ebay, but I missed it.  I'm hoping I can catch it again soon and add it to the collection.  It would be kind of cool to have a monopoly on all of the /5 minis, but we'll have to see what gets posted.  The 2016 shown is numbered 4/5.  I have another on the way, and a third is listed on Ebay but the price is a bit much.  Maybe the seller will come down on it.
I also picked up this blue mini numbered 3/10.  I think the blues look nice, maybe better than the red.  I wish there was an Orange mini.  That would look great!

I have updated my Davis spreadsheet as of this post, so all of my "haves" are listed.  I'm glad I took the time to do the Davis spreadsheet.  It makes it so much easier to be able to see what I already have and work from there.

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