Saturday, July 23, 2016

More Stadium Club For The Set

I was out of town the last couple of days doing some training for work.  While I was heading out of town from the corporate office, I stopped by AAA Collectibles in Matthews, NC.  I used to go there a lot before I moved away from Charlotte, but since then, I have only been back a couple times.  The lady who co-owns the shop remembered me right away, which was nice.

I picked up a few things while I was there.  I got 19 cards for my Stadium Club set, which really helps me out.  That gives me less to look for next week at the National.  It's funny, some of the cards I needed were Orioles.  I have the above Chris Davis, but I got it for my PC before I decided to complete the set.

I'm not too far away from finishing the set now, which is nice.  I'll be glad to finish it up and put the album on the shelf.

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