Wednesday, December 3, 2014

So Long, Nick

Well, the longest tenured Oriole is out the door after Nick Markakis has reportedly bolted to the Braves.  He has signed a reported 4-year, $44 Million contract, which, the Orioles weren't comfortable matching.

My feelings are kind of "mehhh".  I like Nick.  I was more pissed last year when Brian Roberts signed with the Yankees.  I feel like the Braves are a good fit for Nick.  I think the Orioles have options that they can use to replace him (namely Dariel Alvarez) or they can get a cheaper option, like Nori Aoki, who will provide an upgrade on offense and hold his own in right field.

I'll miss Nick, and I will continue to collect him, but this does sting a little bit.  Good for the Braves, though.  I think he will do decent there.

On another note, my wife had foot surgery today and will be out of work for up to three months.  Card buying is going to be a bit painful, so I will likely cut back a bit.  We'll see.

A got a lot of well wishes from a lot of people, and we both thank you all!

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