Friday, October 25, 2013

Ebay Pickup - 2013 Bowman Red Ice Chris Davis

Last year, I saw a few examples of the Bowman Red Ice parallels and decided that they were pretty darn cool.  There weren't too many Orioles available that I could get my hands on; I had especially liked the Nick Markakis, but the only one I saw was somewhere around $25 on Ebay.  I did, however, end up with a J. J. Hardy.

This year, Bowman has the Red Ice parallels in their checklist yet again.  I saw this Chris Davis on Ebay for $17.99 and bought it on the spot.  It is numbered 15/25 and looks awesome, as you can tell.

I am really pleased with how the card scanned.  I might have to see what other Orioles are available and try to grab a few more.  They really do look great, I think.  If only I could pull one out of a pack.

They have purple ice parallels (numbered to 10) this year and the one Chris Davis that I have seen is listed as a buy it now on Ebay for $80.  That's a little pricey for my blood.  Maybe it'll come down.

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