Saturday, December 18, 2010

Some Card Show Pickups

I have been selling at the Raleigh Card Show the past 2 days. This is my first attempt to sell at a show; I will post more on my endeavours once the show is complete. What I want to do now is show off a few 1948 Bowmans that I picked up. I was finally able to knock a couple off of my want list after being stagnant in that area for months. I was able to pick up:

Ferris Fain

Ewell Blackwell

Barney McCosky

I like this set, there's not much to the cards, but sometimes simplicity works. I now have 15 of the 48 cards needed to complete the set, or 31%. Doesn't seem like I've gotten too far, but when you take note that I have gotten the Feller, Spahn, Musial and Schoendienst, I have done pretty well. I may look around again tomorrow, but we'll see. I got these 3 cards for $16 total, which isnt bad. I have bought a lot from the vendor, and I plan on buying more in the future. He's a really nice guy. I'll be back tomorrow night with more thoughts from the show.


  1. Those are some great vintage pickups.

  2. I've been meaning to make it down to Raleigh to that show for some time now... It's only a 2 hour drive from my house... one of these days.....
