Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas from P.A. Part 2 - Some O's Cards

Finally, the last of the gifts P. A. brought with him to the shop on Saturday.

Another copy of the great and wonderful Eddie Murray and the Sideburns of Awesomeness card I blogged a few months ago. They still look airbrushed on.
I like the design of this year's Sweet Spot. Nice, clean design. Good photos. Here's to hoping Adam Jones doesn't get injured rolling out of bed this year. If he can play the full season and remain productive throughout the year, the O's will improve on their record for sure.

Yaaay, ROBERTS. I need to sit down and count how many cards of him I have now. One of these days I will. I have to start studying for my big exam in March, so it most likely will be after that.
Nick the STICK. The O's need to sign someone to give Nick some protection in the lineup, and I think he will do much better than this past year. Once again, if he improves some on his numbers, the O's will be greatly improved.
Thanks for the awesome stuff P. A., you're a great dude. I'll talk to you on Saturday!


  1. Is that Murray card really as you show it?

    That's totally airbrushed but the card company did it or you did?

  2. Card company did it, I do not have the skill or capability.
