Sunday, April 19, 2009

Getting the bug...

Now that the season is fully underway, I have a couple irons in the fire, so to speak, about catching some games in person this year. I fully intend to catch a lot more minor league games this year, as last year, we went to two games in Winston-Salem and had a blast. I got a bunch of autographs, met Brandon Snyder and Matt Weiters (yes THE Matt Weiters) and got a broken bat. That was in ONE trip. My ticket cost $7.00 and we were 3 rows behind the dugout. You can't beat that.

As I continue my weekly trek from Charlotte to Greenville, I have a more wide open venue for catching games. I have the possibility of catching Kinston Indian games (about 30 miles from my office in Greenville), Carolina Mudcat Games (in Zebulon, also about 30 miles from Greenville), Durham Bulls (David Price, anyone?) which are about 1.5-2 hours away, Winston-Salem Dash ( when I go see my parents, Charlotte Knights (on the ass end of town around here...) and Kannapolis Intimidators (about 15-20 minutes from my house that you need to come and buy). Not a bad list of options.
Also, if you consider the fact that I am down the road from ECU, I can catch games there, as well as NCSU games because I will most likely be spending more time in that area because I finally have a friend who wants to share in all of my baseball joy that goes to school there... hahaha.

There is also the yearly pilgrimage to Camden Yards. Last year we had a good size crowd go with us: Me, my wife, my son, my little brother Andy and my cousin from Germany, Andreas all rode together in my wifes car, while Babe rode up on the train and met us at the hotel.

This year, I think I will scale back somewhat and return to the one on one approach, go with one good friend and have a blast. Mallory doesn't want to go this year because we are having our 5th wedding anniversary and for some odd reason, she doesn't feel that a baseball game is a good way to celebrate the fact that she hasn't smothered me with a pillow yet...

There's also the possibility of going to Cooperstown this year... Oh man, that would be SWEET!

Anyway, I'm excited. Once the house sells, the picture will be much clearer.


  1. Man - I love this blog. It's a fresh look at collecting and baseball. I wonder what some of the "main stream" bloggers who consider the 80's and 90's cards old school would think of your '55s and '70s cards - probably think they are ancient. Keep up the great work.

  2. P.A., you're the man. You, me and Max are catching some games together this summer, count on it.
