Saturday, February 21, 2009

Something new and other thoughts.

When i rolled in from Greenville Friday evening, I had a new Brian Roberts card in my mailbox to celebrate his signing a 4-year extension with the Orioles. I'm so excited, I can't stand it. All you O haters out there (cough cough Pete) better look out. The Orioles may not win it all, but they are for darn sure going to give the Rays, Yankees and Sawx headaches this year. Come on Opening Day!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Man that looks like a nice card. The black especially works with the O's cards. I read an article on that gave the O's a C- for their off-season moves. I beg to differ though. Instead of focusing on them not signing Tex, SI should have focused on them getting Markakis signed to an extension, not over spending on suring up positions with Izturus, Pie, Hill, Wigginton, and Zaun, and then next week add an article about how the O's got Roberts signed to an extension. I'd say they had a solid off-season, and are looking like they could make a Rays like run in the next couple of years.
